About Our Equipment
CABI is part of the Georgia Research Alliance’s Core Exchange program.
What Our Facility Offers
CABI features a 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner, as well as advanced equipment optimized for the acquisition and interpretation of research data. This includes:
MRI: A Siemens Magnetom Prismafit 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging system configured with up to 64 receiver channels comprised of up to 204 coil elements with up to 128 independent RF channels for brain or whole-body imaging.
EEG: CABI offers research dedicated electroencephalography (EEG) systems, allowing for stand along EEG and simultaneous EEG/fMRI research.
Neuromodulation: CABI supports neuromodulation research with a MagVenture MagPro X100 transcranial magnetic stimulation system and Soterix Medical 1x1 Limited Total Energy transcranial direct current stimulator.
The center houses a Siemens Magnetom Prismafit 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging system configured with up to 64 receiver channels comprised of up to 204 coil elements with up to 128 independent RF channels. It has a 60 cm bore diameter and a 50x50x50 cm3 imaging field of view. It offers Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) with up to 256 directions, Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) with up to 514 diffusion directions with XR 80/200, fully integrated functional MRI/DTI evaluation, enhanced iPAT performance, powerful shimming, TimTX TrueShape and syngo ZOOMit with high resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and long-term signal stability for demanding research sequences.
The main specifications of the Prisma system are listed below.
Gradient performance: 80 mT/m @ 200 T/m/s simultaneously, on all three axes (double that of Siemens Trio’s 40mT/m) In addition, the system comes with Ultra High-performance cooling, reduced vibrations and acoustic noise, increased SNR and long-term stability.
Transmit signal architecture: Tim TX Trueform enables uniform RF distribution specific to the anatomy. New parallel transmit capability with TimTX TrueShape allows for selective excitation to highlight regions, organs or features of an organ leading to increased image quality and faster scanning. A new application syngo ZOOMit- the first zoom function in MRI is now available based on this technology.
Receive signal architecture: New Tim 4G RF system with up to 128 independent channels for faster imaging and higher SNR, Dual –Density Signal Transfer technology with highest coil element density for higher SNR, fully digital transmit and receive with DirectRF for higher SNR and improved RF stability, Real-time feedback loop for excellent long-term stability. For brain imaging, we have 20 Channel and 32 Channel array receive head coils.
Application packages: Advanced Diffusion, Arterial Spin labeling 2D/3D, Simultaneous Multi- Slice (SMS) EPI, Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI), Advanced Cardiac Package. We also have acquired state of the art EPI, ASL, Morphometry and Spectroscopy pulse sequences via C2P agreements with University of Minnesota and Massachusetts General Hospital.
Wireless cardiac and respiration monitors for physiological noise removal.
FerrAlert Halo: Traditional metal detectors are triggered by non-ferrous metals such as titanium implants. In contrast, this system specifically detects ferromagnetic material that could interact with the magnetic field. This reduces the chance of false-alarms, and also allows a sensitivity level that would be unsuitable for a conventional metal detector.
PST MRI simulator: Allows us to acclimatize participants to the confined and loud environment of the MRI scanner. This mock scanner is useful for training children to be comfortable in the scanner and allows individuals to practice behavioral tasks.
Real-time motion detection utilizing Framewise Integrated Real-time MRI Monitoring (FIRMM).
- BOLDScreen 32” MRI compatible LCD screen for fMRI experiments.
- Avotec Silent Scan 3100 stereo air-conduction headphones allow for audio stimulus delivery as well as participant communication.
- SR Research EyeLink 1000 Plus eyetracker allows us to track eye movements while participants are inside the scanner.
- PST fiber optic response gloves allow participants to make responses during scanning. Button presses are recorded using a USB output.
- Current Designs fORP response system allows participants to make button presses or use a trackball while in the scanner. These communicate with a computer using USB.
- Experiment presentation hardware and software: Stimulus presentation applications such as E-Prime, PsychoPy, Psychtoolbox-MATLAB, and DirectRT. Presentation PC specs include an Intel core i7-8700k processor, SSD drives, 32GB RAM and NVIDIA 1070Ti GPU for seamless presentation of high-end graphics.
- Biopac physiological recording system (MRI-compatible)
- Red Hat linux cluster running Sun Grid Engine with over 250 compute cores. Users can log in to any workstation locally at the center or remotely to the cluster for data access and analysis. We have storage servers hosting ~ 360TB of data with offsite RAID configured backup to ensure data integrity.
- CUDA compatible GPUs (NVIDIA Tesla K80 and P5000). Compared to a single CPU, GPU-based computation offers ~200 fold reduction in computational time for GPU enabled analysis tools such as ‘BEDPOSTX’ and ‘eddy.’
- Data analysis software such as Matlab, FSL, SPM, AFNI, BrainVoyager, LCModel, MRIcroGL.
Electroenchephalograpy: CABI features two research-dedicated EEG systems.
- The BioSemi 32-channel EEG ActiveTwo system includes 24-bit resolution and biopotential measurement with active electrodes optimized for research applications.
- BrainVision EEG system allows for state-of-the-art simultaneous fMRI-EEG data collection.
Neuromodulation: CABI offers a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) systems for neuromodulation studies.
- Fully programmable MagVenture MagPro X100 stimulator features monophasic and biphasic pulse sequences and theta burst capability up to 100Hz. A Localite TMS Navigator system facilitates neuro-navigated stimulation protocols.
- Soterix Medical 1x1 Limited Total Energy tDCS stimulator is capable of energy currents up to 1.5 mA. This unique system offers advanced features to reduce anxiety and sensation and improve subject safety.